Today I went into the sauna at my gym for my post-workout/pre-work relaxation time. All of a sudden...BAM. Fart! (not mine, mind you, the girl relaxing, too much I guess, next to me) Let me explain something to you, hot air and fart molecules do not mix. Especially during my relaxation time. But what is one to do? Get up and leave and then embarrass the person who you will be naked in front of in about 5 min or just roll with it and swallow the chunks moving up your esophagus?
Me, I rolled with it and stewed, literally, in farts.
Next shower was a good rinse and lather!
Yuck. Way to suck it up!
Stick to farmerette stories. You offended a multitude of my senses through imagination only which I suppose is a compliment to your descriptive abilities. But seriously - YUCK!
Post something new - anything! I don't want to see the heading 'Gymbo' and then start thinking about it.
too bad. don't open it then. :)
Can you hear us chanting ... New Post, New Post, New Post ! The natives are restless .
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