Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Yoga for the Mother Breastfeeding

Some people would call me lucky but not getting to exercise for a month is rough for me. In the first 4 weeks after giving birth, I was only able to walk around the house and lift a growing baby. I have walked 1/2 mile several times in the past couple of weeks and I started doing some easy yoga, but that's about it.

This recovery is long and that is the one thing I feel like people didn't warn me about.

I want to talk about the yoga part of my excerising because that is the best thing I started doing again. The neck, back, and shoulder tightness from nursing in odd positions is uncomfortable and yoga started helping those areas. I know nursing isn't supposed to be uncomfortable but when your wee baby likes to snuggle in your arm crook at night, it is super hard to resist. (Although, I can tell you that tonight we will not be doing that as often. I am so sore!)

My yoga routine hits my neck, back, shoulders, and legs. My hamstrings are so tight too from not doing anything. It is easy and I always feel a bit better after doing it.

The routine includes:

Cat/Cow - 15 sets
Arm/Leg Reach - 10 times
Downward Dog - 8 breaths
Thread the Needle - 6 breaths each side
Downward Dog - 8 breaths
Spinal Twist - 6 breaths each side
Cow Face - 6 breaths each arm
Wide Leg Forward Bend - 8 breaths
Eagle - 6 breaths each side
Tree - 8 breaths each side
Locust - 5 breaths, three times
Diaphragm Breathing - 10 to 20 breaths
Legs Up Wall - until I feel ready to be done

This really doesn't take me very long, maybe 15 minutes to 20 minutes. The only tricky part is fitting it in during nap time.

Jr and I are going to start "Mommy and Baby" yoga next month at a local yoga studio so hopefully that goes well!

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Life Nowadays

Okay, I'm not gonna lie, life with a newborn is rough. I know many mothers that would say it is an amazing time and they want their baby to stay small forever.  Maybe it is this 3 week long cold I am fighting, but I am just finally starting to feel good about motherhood. I mean, I have always loved my baby with all my heart but damn, those first weeks of feedings and hormones are difficult. I was super lucky too and had the support of family and had other people doing all my chores, in fact, I wasn't alone with Jr for a whole day until this week really. I am glad to say though that it is going very well!

Jr is one month old today and is a precious baby boy still! He likes tummy time, bath time, peekaboo, and the Itsy, Bitsy, Spider. He doesn't so much like bedtime but after screaming for awhile, he goes down pretty well and sleeps for good chunks of time. So, while I am tired, I can't say I am not getting sleep.

As for my one month check up, I am still slowly recovering from birth. Today I took Jr and Buk to the dog park and walked just over 1/2 mile. It felt pretty good but I am feeling like my muscles are starting to deteriorate. I want to get out there and moving but I know that my body is still healing so I am taking it easy, I really am! Not doing anything for a month is a major thing for me! Actually, the healing time is probably the one thing that I feel like I didn't know about but that is a topic for another post.

I am off of work until October and I am so happy I have that amount of time. I can't imagine going back any sooner, for my own sake and for the sake of my behbeh. We both need some time to figure things out.

I am really enjoying being a mom and I have been to a couple of different meeting groups with Jr that have been pretty fun.  And, while in the first couple of weeks I was counting down the days until he could take a bottle because having my tatas hang out all the time took some getting used to, but now I am enjoying everything and have stopped worrying about it all and embraced the job wholeheartedly. 

So, cheers to all the new moms figuring this shit out! It will get better, just like everyone keeps repeating.