Monday, January 2, 2012

Twenty Hundred And Twelve

Happy 2012 everybody! I have spent the last few days doing nothing! Great way to start a year, if I do say so myself! However, I have to go to work tomorrow and that isn't so happy. I mean I like work and all but I like eating food, taking naps, looking at pinterest, and doing what I want a lot more. I even did some DIY projects: homemade kahlua and some sticks in jars with salt snow decorations. Sissy was in town too; therefore, I got my fashion and decorating senses kicked into high gear. Thank god, I need that from time to time. Those sweat pants were really starting to stink.

All in all, I really enjoyed my family time (immediate, inlaws, and extended). Although, we were supposed to go x-country skiing with Ma and Pah and that didn't happen due to 20mph winds, we still had a great time entertaining each other.

Now, for 2012, I need to do some working out. I know that is what everyone says and that is why the gym is going to be like the Walmart parking lot (which I have never actually been to, just heard about) but this inner tube I am beginning to get isn't really going to help me in any winter floods. Time to strap up my Nike's and get serious. Who's with me?! No one? Shit, this is going to make getting out of my cozy bed pretty difficult.

Buky's Xmas Hat

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