Sunday, April 14, 2013

Three Months Countdown

Well, I finally did it. I made the decision to stop running this last week.

Two weekends ago, when I was 25 weeks pregnant, I went running/jogging a couple of times during the week and on the weekend I ran one mile and walked one mile. It always feels so good to get out in the sun and go for a little jog. But, alas, my body has failed me and after each run I am tired and my body aches. My back and knees are what hurt the most, even though I try and tuck my tailbone in to support my back.

So, I am giving in. It isn't really worth it to run and be sore for the rest of the day and then the night too because it makes my hips hurt. It sucks though, honestly. Walking will be fine but, dammit, running is faster. It's okay though, I just have to make the time to go walking now. I shall start today and see how long it takes to walk a couple of miles. I will also see how my body feels afterward.

On another note, I am in my third trimester! Three more months. They will probably be the hardest but as long as Mr Peps doesn't complain about my complaining, we should be fine. Plus we have baby showers, the end of our birth class, and a real live baby to look forward to! It is all going to be exciting and right now what we talk about most is having a baby sleeping next to us that we can cuddle in the middle of the night, if we want. (Yes, he is going to sleep with us for a bit to make breastfeeding and what not easier.)

We are on the final stretch people.

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